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Sheri Johnson, CHHC, CHLC
Jul 5, 20213 min read
Benefits of Silence for Mental Wellbeing
Taking time for silence is not a “if I have time” but a must for your health and mental wellbeing.
Sheri Johnson, CHHC, CHLC
Jun 28, 20213 min read
4 Important Ingredients to Reach Your Goals
Adding these 4 important ingredients will help you reach your health and life goals.
Sheri Johnson, CHHC, CHLC
Jun 21, 20213 min read
4 Natural Ways to Increase Your Energy
Do you ever feel like you have little to no energy? You just feel like you want to lay on the coach and vegetate. Laying on the coach...
Sheri Johnson, CHHC, CHLC
Jun 14, 20213 min read
3 Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep
Have you ever tossed and turned then stared at the ceiling with random thoughts racing through your head keeping you wide awake? I think...
Sheri Johnson, CHHC, CHLC
Jun 7, 20213 min read
3 Areas to Give Yourself Grace
What if you looked at yourself with Grace-Vision? When you look thru the eyes of grace you can focus on what is good and right.
Sheri Johnson, CHHC, CHLC
May 31, 20213 min read
3 Natural Approaches to Reduce Anxiety & Depression
Do you feel depression or anxiety coming over you like a thick heavy blanket?
Here are natural approaches to help alleviate these feelings
Sheri Johnson, CHHC, CHLC
May 24, 20213 min read
5 Tips to Stop Stress Eating
Stress eating is real! We probably all fall victim to it at some point if we are truthful. How to stop stress eating before it starts!
Sheri Johnson, CHHC, CHLC
May 17, 20213 min read
3 Ways to Tap into the Power of Your Intuition
Have you ever said, “Wow, I knew that was going to happen!”? You knew the right answer or the right thing to do but you didn’t listen....
Sheri Johnson, CHHC, CHLC
May 10, 20213 min read
3 Pillars to Build a Strong Immune System
Do you have a strong immune system? Have you put all three pillars in place for your best health or just slapped on a couple Band-Aids?
Sheri Johnson, CHHC, CHLC
Apr 25, 20214 min read
4 Questions You Should Ask for Your Health
Are you asking the right questions for your health?
You do get to ask questions and I hope you will after reading this.
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